Natur? Politisch.

Play online for free (german language)

How does one advocate for socially important issues in an unjust state? How serious was the GDR leadership’s interest in environmental protection?

“Natur? Politisch.” is a captivating interactive story in which you accompany a group of young environmental activists during the time of the former GDR and take on their different perspectives. The game can be used in schools with the help of additional teaching materials. It can also be played outside of school and is suitable for ages 14 and up.

The European Academy Berlin and the contemporary witness Tim Eisenlohr conceptualized the game in cooperation with us. The Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship supported the project financially.

Project presentation on the webpage of the European Academy Berlin (german language)

Screenshot of the main menu of Natur? Politisch.
Start screen of Natur? Politisch.
Screenshot showing the photo mini game. The Players develop photos and discover photos of bioharzadous barrels kicking off the story.
Developing photos players make a disturbing discovery
Screenshot showing the scene in the lab, where Peggy tries to get help from Sabine. Players have to convince Sabine as it is very risky for her.
Will Sabine help Peggy?
Screenshot depicting a Stasi file. As in real life the Stasi follows and writes down every move and decision of the players. The Stasi was the East German state police, that spied on the citizens.
Beware! The Stasi is watching you!

Password System

Natur? Politisch.” is a game developed for use in schools. Players can enter the story at different points via password, so that they are not restricted to a certain device. This way, they can stop playing after a school hour and resume with the story the next day, in another room, on another device, or at home. The passwords are to be found in the teaching materials, and for quick access, they are listed here:

  • Dunkelkammer
  • Mülldeponie
  • Kennenlernen
  • Silbersee
  • Chemielabor
  • Planung
  • Plakate
  • Berlin
  • Party
  • Verhör
  • Stasi Akten

Type any password into the password field in the main menu, and confirm.