Race Against Corruption

We developed „Race Against Corruption“ for FLMH | Labor für Politik und Kommunikation, who launched an anti-corruption campaign with Transparency International Zambia.

Evil chameleons represent corrupt behavior. They hide in plain sight and hurt the player when they expect it the least. The game is part of the anti-corruption campaign and is designed to raise awareness on the topic. It prompts players to speak up about their experience with corruption.

Get the game in the Play Store!

Title Screen for the Game "Race Against Corruption" showing an woman from Zambia, running on her mission to fight corruption!
Title Screen for „Race Against Corruption“
A scene from the game "Race Against Corruption" showing a woman from Zambia running and jumping through an urban scene. Hidden in the scene is a corrupt chameleon.
Can you spot the chameleon?!
A scene from the game "Race Against Corruption" showing a man from Zambia running and jumping through a market scene. His sunglasses emit a super power ray that uncovers a corrupt chameleon.
Use your super power to spot corrupt chameleons!
Logo Transparency International Zambia
Logo FLMH Labor für Politik und Kommunikation